Monday, March 31, 2008

Doogie Howser

Tonight's tag on HIMYM was pure hilarity.

The episode itself wasn't full of LOL... though, once again, the writers are leaving just enough clues to lead viewers into thinking that the identity of The Mother is blocked face in a photograph away.

So, are bets still on Stella from last week?

Meanwhile, it's just great to be stuck with the rhinovirus and watch Sheldon's antics with same on Big Bang Theory. Jim Parsons simply must be nominated for an Emmy.

Friday, March 28, 2008

Egad, Egan

Christopher Egan has been cast as the lead in NBC/UMS pilot "Kings". This happens to be one of my favorite pilot scripts in the last several seasons (at least the pre-strike version I read kicked ass... very much one of those "how the heck are they going to keep this shit going and produce this show on a sub-feature budget?" shows). I really don't know how I feel about Egan as David. I haven't seen him in much... but he wasn't at all what I pictured of the "David" character. At all. Well, I'll wait to pass judgment until I see a screener of it...

Andy Cohen Must Die

Can someone at Bravo please tell Andy Cohen to stop hosting the reunion specials of the shows on his network? I know he's, like, the boss(ish), but... dude. Seriously. You suck.

I've never referred to Ben + Ronnie as Bronnie. I don't know anyone who has. I mean, it's hardly Brangelina or Bennifer (or even, like, Spuffy or Woz). I'm certainly not buying the shirt.

Wednesday, March 26, 2008

Boo urns

I had a post, but it was eaten. Sad day.

Anyway, HIMYM good, but more b/c of Chalke that Spears. Lots of fun "Your Mother" jokes in the headlines.

David C was the best on Idol, he doesn't have the best voice by far, but he absolutely shines when he takes a classic song and does a completely different version, like tonight's "Billie Jean" and two weeks ago on "Eleanor Rigby". A lot of "eh" performances, including KLC's pandering (but still brilliant) song choice... but she was definitely the best she's been in weeks and weeks. Either Ramiele or Jason go home on Wednesday if the performance is the true judge... and I think between those two, it'll be Jason.

Travis is busy. Posting will be increasingly less frequent and detailed.

Friday, March 21, 2008

There Will Be Tudors

Season premiere streaming at

Password is ROYAL.

I got a bit lost in The Tudors last season, but liked it enough to sample a free viewing of the new season. They do a good, extended job bringing you up to speed on the events that took place. And I like the new opening credits. Plus... Peter O'Toole as-a tha Freakin Pope!

Anyway, I'm going to actually watch the episode now...

Meet Kevin Johnson, etc etc etc

Probably the most straight forward episode of Lost ever. I dunno if my mind is blown, but I am satisfied with the explanation, the how, the why, and the when of Michael being on the boat. Not sure how I feel about the cliffhanger. Who gives a fig about Karl (who was wearing a shirt that I own when he died... I don't think it was available in 2004, so... boo urns)? The French Woman, though... that's another one of those "you killed Libby and I'm pissed off" deaths (if she is dead). Nice to see Libby for two brief flashes in tonight's episode, bthew. For both of them, I feel their stories weren't fully told. Libby, especially. She was the tailie that viewers liked, never got a flashback, and she was just offed. Danielle has been a part of Lost since the pilot, really, and was very prevalent in the first season... she's never gotten a flashback, either, and that's sad because she surely had an interesting story to tell from her pre-Island life. Anyway.

Make Me A Supermodel! Yay, Ronnie survives again. Naomi Campbell shows up and doesn't throw her cell phone at any of them. Sad day. The photo shoot has nudity, and was it just me, or did the show forget to blur Holly's areolae? That photoshoot was fierce. No, it was a hot mess. Tranny! Look, Christian's here! Fierce! Holly needs to stop referring to killing squirrels in her confessionals. Christian (yes, Christian) tells Ronnie to be more straight. I know he was talking about where Ronnie looks when he gets to the end of the catwalk, but... hilarity. OMG, Holly's second look is literally the purple and pink version of one of Christian's finale looks (the mixture of mocha and cafe ruffles, not the couture gown, but the cocktail dress, I guess you might call it... only, now it's PINK AND PURPLE). Girl, you better work!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

I Stole Your Shoes

Tyra said the funniest thing ever today ("I stole your shoes"), backed by the most Sixth Sense music I've heard recently on television. Creepy! I hope it's online tomorrow so I can listen to it on loop.

And thank god for that laugh, because it's been a $h!tty day, IRL.

And to top it off, the Idol elimination was spoilt for me (yes, spoilt). Made even worse by who it was who got the boot!

At least Top Chef was good. It's so early in the competition for them to bust out a major catering event!

Anyway, reality TV failed me tonight, so it's off to watch South Park.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

... unscripted television...?

I couldn't resist.

Alright, it's Top 11 night on Idol, and I'll actually be watching DWTS (curiosity re: Seles and Yamaguchi). I've seen the premiere of Miss Guided more than once, so while it was enjoyable, it's not on my menu this evening.

Amanda - "Back in the USSR" - More reason to love Amanda... I recently found out that my dad doesn't like her voice (not a Janis Joplin fan). The song is high energy, but more than last week I'm actually noticing the lack of enunciation. I love the way she commands the stage and, again, it's lively, but I do want to understand what she's singing a little bit more. If she ever gets to be her own star, I sincerely hope that she chugs a fifth of Jameson before going on stage. This girl could singlehandedly bring back hardcore rock 'n roll. Memorable enough considering she is starting the show off (more memorable than Syesha last week, for sure). Still, I agree with Simon. I'd love to hear her take on a ballad. Doesn't mean she's belting a ballad out. Just making it her own. That'd be awesome.

Kristy Lee - "You've Got to Hide Your Love Away" - In her video package, she says she did a "new" song last week, and then goes on to say that she picked this week's song based on the title. I'm guessing, then, that she's either totally unfamiliar with the Beatles (unforgivable sin) or has had to settle for her second or third choice because of the lottery system. A bunch of the song was too low in her register. You know, there were some decent moments in this song by KLC. I'm not entirely disappointed now that the once-and-future stripper was eliminated last week now. And in the post-performance interview, she admits "this whole Beatles thing" is new to her, and suddenly I don't care whether she can blow Simon out of his socks or not.

David A - "The Long and Winding Road" - Wait. The Annointed One isn't singing "Yesterday"? I'm shocked. Anyway, TAO is back in form, melting the knees of 13-year old girls across America with just the power of his voice. Oof, Simon has brought "master class" out during THE TOP ELEVEN.

Kelli Pickler is performing tomorrow? Two weeks ago it was Blake Lewis, last week Katherine McPhee, and now the Pickler? Jeez. Way to stay in the family...

Shameless plug of iPhone is terrible. Terr-i-ble. And I'm a diehard Mac addict.

Michael - "A Day in the Life" - Yeah, it's all been downhill for Michael since "Bohemian Rhapsody", hasn't it? Poor guy has to go after TAO, too. Was his voice supposed to crack at that note? I... can't tell...? Still, if sex appeal can save KLC, MJ is safe this week.

Brooke - "Here Comes the Sun" - This is the first time since the Top 12 Women that Brooke has been sans instrument, IIRC, and it's a little weird. Brooke is a little talk-y during the judging... but at least she's talk-y because she's entirely agreeing with the critiques and is telling the audience to not boo the judges giving negative comments.

David C - "Day Tripper" - Will he suffer the same fate as Brooke and come down off last week's high (and a two week string of great performances for both, actually). The guitar is awkward in front of him when he's singing because he's just letting it hang. For the most part. The camera generally covers it up, but I bet the judges noticed. Not as electrifying for me as his "Eleanor Rigby". He fares better than Brooke did following up last week's highlight. Simon gives the same "old hat" speech he gave Amanda.

Carly - "Blackbird" - That's uncanny, given the silly judges banter pre-video package. Or is it. Hm. Most of the song is really just fabulous, but then she gives in to the sort of a-melodic, pitchy shouting. I don't get Simon's criticism about the lyrics being on the nose. Because Idol is known for its subtlety....

Jason - "Michelle" - Eh.

Syesha - "Yesterday" - So, Syesha won the "Yesterday" lottery, Let's hope she sucking f*** it up. Love her dress and earrings. The problem with this song is that everyone knows it and everyone has covered it. I don't think you can take real risks with it by changing it up (sure, you can harmonize... but you can't do to it what David Cook did to "Eleanor Rigby"... that would be true musical sacrilege). So, you can't take risks, you can't screw up... how do you not wind up being forgettable. Apparently you go on harmony runs. Simon's right, that's the song Brooke should've sung (but, obviously, she couldn't... because Syesha was singing it... which sucks because she'd have hit it outta the park, I imagine, while Syesha's was just a hair better than good).

Chikezie - "I've Just Seen a Face" - I feel like if you don't play an instrument, don't bust one out. So I'm skeptical about this performance going into it. He pulls the harmonica off... not at all. Corn. Ball. I didn't feel the performance.

Ramiele - "I Should Have Known Better" - Like Idol should've known better than to have two weeks of (essentially) the same theme, and Ramiele shouldn't known better than to wear that girdle thing. Ramiele took the wrong message from the judges. It wasn't that the ballads were boring (that's Amanda's opinion). It's that Ramiele's performances of the ballads were getting boring. But that's her comfort zone, so if she's here next week, she needs to find a ballad and SING THE HELL OUT OF IT. Watch tape of TAO's "Imagine" and "The Long and Winding Road" for how to pull that off.

I gotta say, there are a lot of Beatles songs that, despite two weeks of opportunity, went entirely unsung. And what was sung, wasn't sung that well for the most part.

Bottom 3 (Performances, IMHO) - KLC (gone), Michael, and Brooke... but I bet Ramiele is in the bottom 3 instead of Little Miss Nanny Sunshine (er, Brooke) since Brooke has had much higher heights in her performances to get a bigger fanbase than Ramiele probably has been able to amass. I'd stick Jason in there if I could, just to prove a point to him.

DWTS: OMG, this show is so the cheesiest... but I think it's intentional, so it gets a pass (but not a season pass). Seles bombs, Yamaguchi rules. I hope Monica sticks around, though.

Monday, March 17, 2008

... scripted television...?

It's here! It's here! It's here!

Anyway. I cannot tell you how excited I am for the new episode of How I Met Your Mother, and how much I'm barely containing myself that there's a new Big Bang Theory (but less excited about BBT... I still haven't been completely sold yet, but... new!)

Also I decided to record Dancing With The Stars and watch it for the first time pretty much ever (instead of the better-than-expected, but DOA-rated Canterbury's Law) because I'm really, really curious to see Monica Seles dancing skillz. But I won't bore you with extended thoughts about that.

HIMYM: Kind of sad that we basically skip right from Slapsgiving 2007 to St. Patty's Day 2008.... but it can't be helped. Better that the show write to when it's airing. Anyway... yellow umbrella alert! I think it's very important they included that bit in this episode, because it's both been awhile since the last new episode, and it's been a while since we've really heard about Ted's quest for the Mother. The third season had to deal with the Robin breakup fallout, so the Mother got a little lost. Anyway. Funny so far. BTW, did we know that NPH is going to be the villain singing in a 30 minute Joss Whedon internet musical? OMG, the DoWiSeTrePla apartment is crooked. Hilarious. No tomorrow!! "We can't raise our kids here, they'll grow up slanted." Apartment roller-luge. Love that Marshall sets Ted back down the straight and narrow... but the "this is how it really happened" has been done by the show before. Wish they hadn't gone back to that for the first post-strike episode. The episode was one "Jerry Seinfeld/Ted Mosby goes to the pier and runs, scaring a bunch of pigeons" short of brilliant. Love that the whole crooked apartment thing was an excuse to keep Marshall and Lily living with Ted for the time being. Actually kinda really smart.

BBT: Sigh. I love Leonard and Sheldon. I really can't stand their two friends most of the time. I've tried to enjoy them, but it's just too much at times (at a lot of the times). The stuff that does work in this show is Leonard and Sheldon's nerd in-fighting, and the influence of Penny on the both of them (Sheldon-robot, Leonard-nebbish). I think I laughed more during this than HIMYM, but I enjoyed HIMYM more.

Monica Seles is hot. I just wish she were dancing tonight so I could find out if she grunts doing the pasodoble like she did when she hit backhands.

FCC v Fox 2008

OMG. The FCC and Fox are headed to the Supreme Court, not regarding any fines levied for indecency, but because the wording of the FCC's indecency rules are vague and, perhaps, violate free speech rights.

I wrote so many papers about this subject in college. I. Can't. Wait.

Especially in light of the FCC fining ABC for showing a woman's butt in 2003 on NYPD Blue. Ridiculous!

Friday, March 14, 2008

Ji Yeon

Last night's Lost was the kind of "pull the wool over yours eyes" episode that made the series so damned surprising and addictive in the first season. And, like, 75% of it was in Korean, which is just awesome.

Anyway, the on-Island events revolved entirely around Sun being awesome and the result of same. Why is she awesome? Because she walks up to Daniel Faraday and flat out asks him if they're going to rescue to Oceanic 815 survivors. And he evades. So she decides to go to Locke's camp (with Jin) because, well, who needs to be on the beach if the boat people aren't going to rescue them? Kate helps Sun with directions (she's useful!?)

This is complicated by the fact that Juliet figures out what's happening when Sun sneaks into her tent looking for more prenatal vitamins. Smart girl, our Other woman. Sun doesn't trust Juliet, and keeps walking away with Jin (who has gotten pretty good at English in the time since we saw him last for any serious extended period of time). Jin's "Where Sun go, I go" is probably the most meaningful, romantic piece of broken English I've ever heard. And such amazing role reversal from the first season, when he was ordering her around. Wow. Anyway, this is put a stop when Juliet reveals Sun's affair to Jin. Jin gets pissed off (wouldn't you) and goes back to the beach and won't hear a word from Sun, but gets a nice pep talk about marriage from Bernard (hey, he and Rose are still alive!) Jin sucks it up and returns to Sun. He tells her he understands why she had an affair, and says that she cheated on the man he was before he got to the Island, and that's not the man he is now. He wants to know the baby is his, and she says it is. And our Island romance is safe once again.

This is all set eerily against a flash-forward where you knew something is off (because how could it not be), but had no idea what. The timing of the flash forward sequences worked amazingly with the on-Island story, which was all about Jin and Sun staying together and fears about the baby getting born. Sun is far along in her pregnancy (though I think they mentioned it was early to have the baby... but it looked like at least 8 months). She calls the hospital. They recognize her as Oceanic 6. This is set against a hilarious sequence of Jin futilely trying to get a huge stuffed panda as a gift. And here's where the episode got amazing. I was convinced that Jin was going to die because the story was so funny. Convinced. There had to be some tragedy here. It made sense with the whole on-Island story of them staying together, of Sun being superstitious of choosing baby names so early (oh, I forgot to mention that above), etc. Anyway, Jin puts the panda in a cab, but, like, drops his phone in the middle of the street and I think he's going to get run over. He gets his phone, but someone steals his cab, and his panda. He goes back to the shop where he bought it and shells out some serious cash for another one (the last in the store, which was on hold for someone else). It feels wrong. It just feels wrong. His eyes are desperate. Sun is in labor and is screaming Jin's name and I, and I assume everyone else, is thinking "goddammit, Jin, she doesn't need a panda, just get to the fucking hospital". Sun delivers a baby girl. Jin gets to a hospital, runs to the maternity ward... but there's a guard at the door. "The Ambassador" just became a grandfather. And the guard tells Jin it was a boy. A boy? The wha~!? Jin takes the news in stride and ties a blue ribbon around the panda's next (smart boy) while discarding a pink ribbon. The door opens and we can plainly see that the woman inside is not Sun. "The Ambassador" steps out and Jin offers the panda on behalf of Paik Automotives. Dude. DUDE. That's just not right. My heart has dropped, like, to my small intestine. We get a final sequence with Sun, where Hurley comes to visit (post-mental hospital stay? not sure, the post-Island timeline is soooo up in the air), and they go visit Jin's grave. Again. The wha~!?

Now, they mentioned Sun was Oceanic 6. Is Jin? No, and I really hoped he was. But Sun's stuff was flash-forward while Jin's was flash-back. Not because of the tombstone (though clearly Sun clearly believes Jin to be dead, and who am I to argue with her). But because of a subtle reference to the Year of the Dragon (2000-2001). So freaking subtle. Hey, that's why we try and watch these things twice when we have the time. It also makes sense of Jin's "I've only been married two months" statement, which through me for a loop when I thought it was still a flash-forward. That dog! Anyway, that puts his trip two months after he married Sun.

Oh, there was also some stuff on the Freighter that will come into play next week in the Michael flashback. What, you didn't see Harold Perrineau's name in the credits or hear the announcement last July that Michael was coming back? I mean, man, they just did not try to keep this a secret. I'm not disappointed that there was no surprise to who Ben's man on the boat was... so long as the show can throw me for a loop with exactly how this development came to be.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Busy Thursday

So, there's a lot of stuff going on in Travis' real life. Exciting, work-related stuff that I can't go into for the sake of my beloved anonymity. Posting will hopefully continue regularly with my oft-banal, occasionally-insightful thoughts on the TV I watch.

Anyway. This isn't a personal blog. On with the watch.

Make Me A Supermodel - Casey's gone. I'm surprised, I thought Ben was gonna bite it. Eh. Whatever. OMG, there's actual follow-up to the Perry's girlfriend tabloid story from last week. Follow-up! Anyway, the models go to Nawlins! And I'm almost certain that Ben is going to be cut this week because, well... compared to the remaining four wannamodels? Not so good. But, hey, he just smacked Perry in the nuts, so that's extra points. So, um, why is Perry talking smack about his girlfriend? He doesn't know it's true. The story was in a tabloid. Models are idiots, yo. Love the gothic photoshoot. So camp. Goth Drama Catwalk... Caridee did it better in the ANTM Cycle 7 finale. Blarg, Ronnie, not Ben is up for the vote. How about some good old All-American photoshoot next week (if he stays, which he should) instead of something that smacks of "not up his alley"?

Reaper - Oh, the first of the dreaded three strike episodes that were, like, rewritten by the Mark Gordon Company or something instead of by the writers... I've heard this is the better of the three... which means I'm dreading the next two weeks, but am watching out of solidarity to good friends who thankfully have jobs for a little while since CW ordered a few more episodes. This is the first episode to air since my cable provider added CW in HD... the difference is amazing. Visually, the show is so much more watchable (infinitely so). That was the worst editing of a cannibal eating someone's hand I've ever seen, though. I mean... not even blink and you miss it. They just didn't show it, or imply it strongly enough for you to get what happened until Jamie Kennedy screamed "my hand!" Maybe it was a Standards & Practices thing... anyway, it'll be interesting to see if there's good crossover audience with Smallville (and how the show fares against Lost). Speaking of...

... I'll post about Lost when I watch it again tomorrow.

Tonsil Trouble

AIDS was proclaimed funny by South Park six seasons ago. And now they infect Cartman with it. How are they gonna pull a rabbit out of their asses on this one...? I agree with Kyle. That's funny. Oh my god. Cartman just snuck into Kyle's room in the middle of the night, took some of his own blood, and poured it into Kyle's mouth. That's awful in the way only South Park can get away with and still have it be funny. And now a doctor is asking Kyle if he's been having unprotected anal sex. Love. It. Oh my god, this episode is brilliant. I have no idea how they back out of it, but oh my god. "If you don't find a cure for HIV, I will break your XBox." Hah! So much Kyle vs Cartman violence. Yes! Yesssss!!!!

Eh, the resolution wasn't that great.

Wednesday Night Reality TV

Hahah, Jim Carrey is wearing a Horton costume during Idol. Oy. Vey.

Anyway. Top Model had an interesting challenge this week. Changing locales to NYC has brought the show some respectable clients! I mean... two real fashion shows in three weeks (instead of on a sound stage and Tyra et al are the only people watching). Anyway, my viewing buddy and I can practically write the show (we love that Claire is dominating the Cover Girl of the Week thing like Heather did last cycle). Buh-bye, Amis.

Top Chef - I disagree with my viewing buddy about this one. I like Ryan. He's not the brightest bulb, it would seem, but I could *watch* him on the show. Thankfully he wasn't the cheftestant chopped this week (good riddance to boring Nimma!) My viewing buddy and I were both in love at first sight with the winning Duck Breast and Duck Egg Roll dish. And we think that Spastic McSpazzy (Andrew? You know the one we mean) is gonna crack. Soon. And how awesome is it that there's a lesbian couple on the show? That's gotta be awkward for whoever shares the room with them...

American Idol - Skipping the fat (aka the first 60 minutes)... Bottom 3 (see, I totally forgot that it was the Bottom 3 at this point in the show... here I am saying the worst / worst two performances....) are Syesha, Kristy Lee, and David H. Oh, and SexPot McPhee performed (with David Foster!? Holy crap!!) How'd she get on the show? Didn't her label drop her? Also, how did Ruben get the new "goodbye" song, didn't his label drop him? Also that song staaaaanks. Okay, I'm kind of surprised that David H got sent home.

Wednesday, March 12, 2008

Chinese TV

Does anyone else out there find the titles of Chinese TV shows hilarious / incomprehensible? I mean, they take "Idol" and turn it into "Super Girl" and then "Happy Boy". Now they take "Ugly Betty" and turn it into "Invincible Ugly Woman"?

I don't get it. Just like I've ever understood the nonsensical strings of English words in J-Pop songs.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Top 12

Oh, dear god, please don't let them use all of those lights during the performances. I mean, if Danny Noriega was still in the running, maybe...

I usually skip past the weird Idol opening sequence. I believe I will continue to do so.

You know what's weird this season? I think there are maybe two contestants even approaching Ryan's height. Which is sad, since Ryan isn't exactly six feet tall...

Pre-performance predictions: Kristy Lee and Chikezie are the bottom two.

Man, I'm really excited for Lennon/McCarthy night.

BTW, I've been under the weather... Canterbury's Law was much better than the original pilot I saw months and months ago. Ratings were terrible, though, so I sincerely doubt it'll be around longer than the six filmed episodes.

Syesha - "Got To Get You Into My Life" - Girl, you know I love you. But what was with your hair tonight? It was shockingly different. Not sure how I feel about all that sparkling gold (especially because I think Paula is wearing the same thing... which is so not a good sign). I really enjoyed the performance. As the only remaining black girl (! an Idol first for the Top 12?) you're gonna be around a while.

Chikezie - "She's A Woman" - I've seen that argyle sweater, open-collar shirt with rolled up sleeves and a tie look before... like, last year. The world has moved on! Chikezie looks strange sitting on the stairs beating his knee next to the three musicians. Thank god he stands up and moves away. The performance had a lot of energy... like a funk/country fusion. I liked it a more than I expected to. Paula still needs work on her English ("the reward paid off?" No, dear... the risk paid off). Oh, god, Ryan is telling Chikezie to work it. Someone give him Paula's meds.

Ramiele - "In My Life" - I do not understand why they started with the semi-overhead shot of her. Weird to go from the high-energy song to the resident balladeer. Skilled, controlled... but boring. No "wow". And only one (abridged) big vocal moment near the end. She's much better than this, Simon's absolutely right.

Jason - "If I Fell" - Zzz, video package. He really hasn't done anything to convince me that he isn't completely stoned out of his mind at all times. Ugh, he's got that guitar in front of him. I know he's making it through, but this was just as boring for me as Ramiele. I want to hear Jason sing some Jack Johnson, though. Paula tells Jason she feels his heart and I immediately jump to Michael Eisner's "Kali Ma!!!" of Family Guy. Classic Ryan/Simon moment regarding leaving students' dorm rooms. Love. It.

Carly - "Come Together" - I repeat... Michelle Branch. She gets the chance, I demand she sinces the Buffy version of "Goodbye To You". Carly is the first one to really use the lighting to her advantage. Love the green and blue elements. Tricky thing with this song is that, well, it's huge. Totally huge. She said she'd change it up, I didn't really get that... but she rocked it out. Still no "wow" from her (though she owned the song, really owned it). Just a very high bar of excellence (she has no pitch problems, like, ever). I can't wait for her to really, really hit it out of the park.

David C - "Eleanor Rigby" - Wow. Much like last season's "You Give Love a Bad Name" from Blake Lewis, this straddles the line between genius and blasphemy. Holy crap. Nearly as astounding... Paula's attempt at equestrian metaphor that ends up somewhere in Tijuana at a donkey show.

Brooke - "Let It Be" - Performance unheard, it's a great song choice for Brooke. She's smart, she knows to not go out of her range... but she also doesn't have boring performances. It's just, again, so odd to go from such a huge, upbeat performance to this mellow one. It's so simple, stripped, toned-down. We here at TY, Inc love Brooke.

David H - "I Saw Her Standing There" - Will he mention stripping? And... no. Man, I gotta take a tangent here... the Idol Concert this year is going to be awesome. The Top 10 are going to be so many leaps and bounds better than last season's (and, I'm really agreeing with the show, probably the best ever... and a lot of style variety, too). Anyway... David H's look is better than Chikezie's because of the suit vest instead of the V-neck sweater vest. I dunno about his performance. I didn't get anything from him. Reminiscent of his Top 12 Men performance... overdone, full of "eh".

Amanda - "You Can't Do That" - I find it a little weird that she's singing a song she first heard this week. From the whole catalog? Really? Okay... she's pitchy to start, but damn I love her sound and take on this lesser known (to me, anyway) song.

Michael - "Across The Universe" - How much do I love that the picture of him as a kid had "Vegemite" on it? Remember Australia? Ugh, that stuff tasted so foul. Especially in like of David C's performance, Michael needed to reinvent himself tonight away from being a rocker... because David C's obviously got that covered. I dunno, this didn't do much for me. He didn't do anything spectacular with the song or arrangement. Sleep is definitely the right word.

Kristy Lee - "Eight Days A Week" - Apparently "country style" means something other than with a ton of gravy and biscuits. Who knew? I thought the song could've done with being slowed down a little. It did go a little way towards hiding Kristy's weak voice. A little. She's gone.

David A - "We Can Work It Out" - Pimp slot! David loses a couple points tonight (which takes him down to, what, merely only 5 times more points than everyone else combined?) for admitting an unfamiliarity with the Lennon/McCartney songbook. Oof, he forgets a couple lyrics. He's human, everyone? Kick him in the nards!

Bottom Two performances - Kristy Lee... ah, who the else matters, she's going home.

Okay, fine. Syesha for lack of memorability, Ramiele for boring, Jason for too much of the same and boring, David H for overdoing it, Michael for being too safe, David A for having to rest on his laurels.

That said, everyone except Kristy Lee deserves to continue at this point.

Best - David C. Easily. Then Carly and Brooke.

Monday, March 10, 2008

- 30 -

Not certain how I feel about the finale of The Wire. As always, several notches above basically anything else on television. It's obviously hard to do the finale of a complex series (narratively and morally) like that. If there had been this huge happy ending (which, while muddled muddied and dirty, it almost was), it wouldn't ring true to the rest of the series. Also, last week's episode ("Late Editions") was probably a series-best for even this series. Life in Baltimore just keeps on running...

Friday, March 7, 2008


Well, thank god for ad-supported streaming. Watching the last 14 minutes of Lost now (only 14 minutes of show, so take that, 7 minutes of ads).

Wow, the show actually took an entire scene to recap the events (mostly just the outcome) of "Eggtown", passing the info onto Jack. Shine a light on it, much? But it's nice that people are asking questions of other Lostaways.

Juliet reaches The Tempest, pulls out a gun, walks in. Flashback to Ben. OMG, it's so hilarious to see the excited puppy dog look on his face, especially considering how gangrene he's looking in present day Island events. So cute/awkward! OMG, mention of the two tail section kids who were Othernapped. OMG, Goodwin stayed behind with the tail people to make a case to bring Ana Lucia over to the Others (remember all of that hot, steamy Unresolved Sexual Tension? Goodwin a playa, man). Ben says that Goodwin's assignment will be over soon like he has charted out the exact moment of his death. GIVE MICHAEL EMERSON THE EMMY.

Daniel confuses me with his genuinely confused/concerned "Juliet, what're you doing here?" when she points a gun at him. Take Charlotte out first, girlfriend! Where is that bitch, anyway? See, that sucked. Now I don't like Charlotte. Hitting my girl with a lead pipe (can there PLEASE be a Lost-based edition of Clue? In the Swan, with a falling Nigerian drug plane, by Mr. Green) But Juliet is scrappy and we get Juliet-involved-cat-fight number two. Though the Kate/Juliet mud bowl was more fan service-y, since Charlotte is wearing her hazmat suit.

Wait, is that how Ben killed the Dharma people? Wow, I liked "Man Behind the Curtain" but I totally didn't remember that. Brainfart. And if that's really what Daniel/Charlotte were doing there, then maybe there's really is some further connection between Widmore and Dharma, outside of fanboard speculation. So it looks like Daniel succeeded in making the gas inert. My problem: WHY NOT TELL EVERYONE THAT'S WHAT YOU'RE DOING? I mean, yeah, they'd be suspicious of you... but Jack would totally have let them go / gone with them to do it. And why'd they have to bludgeon Kate (yes, she deserved it for being an idiot/herself).

Flashback to Juliet telling Ben about Jack being a spinal surgeon who could help him, then Ben takes Juliet to see Goodwin's impaled corpse. Love is in the air! Why is Ben so shocked that ANYONE would ask him "why"? I think I'd asked Ben "why" a lot. Ben's "you're mine" is CREEPTASTIC. No wonder she was so eager to get out from under his thumb.

Juliet says Daniel and Charlotte are on their side. Kate is angry and gun-pointing. I, too, want Charlotte to explain why Kate had to be knocked unconscious. Just for shits and giggles. Kate wants answers, Jack is going to take Charlotte's word for it. You idiot. No wonder we never get answers. Jack doesn't ask questions / doesn't want answers. He wants alone time with Juliet! More with the creepy... Juliet saying Ben is going to win the war with the boat people. And Juliet admitting her feelings for Jack! Isn't this, like, two months after that scene with her crying over Goodwin? OMG, Jack and Juliet are so hot. As is Jack's "he knows where to find me". But what of Kate inside the Tempest? Why did Charlotte bludgeon her?

But instead we cut to the Barracks where Hurley and Sawyer see Ben walking freely (and he says "see you guys at dinner"... have we said how much we love it?) So, this hearkens back to Ben's whole "they'll start questioning your decisions" bit from early in the episode, right?

And, goddammit, they've managed to stave off another week without saying that Michael is Ben's man on the boat is (but I guess Locke knows now).

Thursday, March 6, 2008

Make Me A Supermodel

Maybe this will help CALM MY RAGE.

Frankie's gone. Yes, that helps. A little. Not much.

Seething. Anger.

It's Niki Taylor's birthday and the models are writing a song for her. No, Perry, that's not the best present ever because it's going to suck. It's inevitable. And it's awful. Awful. This is NOT HELPING.

Breathe. Look, Project Runway behind the scenes clips! Unseen material! That's helping. It really is. I need my fierceness back. Also... I can't wait to hear the words "utensils down" on Wednesday.

Hahah, Ben/Ronnie tease. Only on Bravo (or possibly Showtime).

This is actually a fairly innovative challenge, I think. The models are going to be walking around Bloomingdale's selling the clothing they're wearing, basically, and they have to know who they're wearing, what they're wearing, the price, and then they're going on a go-see. I've never eaten in the Bloomie's cafe... does this actually happen? They send models out to sell you shit while you eat or something? Awkward, yo.

So, Casey's not in the final video lookbook, and Ben's not doing the store challenge. I smell two of the bottom three (despite Casey's co-win in the challenge)!

Holly: Stunning.
Shannon: She puts the "b" in subtle / has the personality of a blueberry scone. But hawt.
Perry: Still arrogant.
Casey: Not ready for this job.
Ben: Gone. Gone gone gone.
Ronnie: Squee (but the first walk was so robot butler...)

So what's this big to do with Perry GF? They've been running ads about some Britney Spears scandal. I don't read the National Enquirer (are we shocked?) but according to that reputable news source, Britney's paparazzi boy friends was cheating on Brit Brit with Perry's GF. Um... this seems like non-drama to me. Did Perry even know about it before she called? No. Obviously not a huge media storm.

The Other Woman

Juliet flashback. Anyway. Look, Sun and Jin are in this episode!

Ooh, pouring rain and Island jungle whispers! And maybe a Smoke Monster shapeshifted version of the Other psychologist (Harper) from the flashback? Man, I'm so eager for the show to explain WTF the random people popping up out of nowhere in the jungle are.

Hm, apparently she's not a vision (er, maybe) because Ben (I suspect it's not Ben, but the Island itself a la Locke's vision of Walt) sent her to tell her where the two missing boat people are going (The Tempest... another Dharma station?) Um... to deploy gas? To wipe out the people on the Island? ZOMG? And, apparently, Jack can see the psychologist woman... and the woman can disappear. Totally the Island and not Ben (although, from "Eggtown", it's not a leap to believe that Ben is where he wants to be). Maybe we're going to find out about why the Island and hatches were all quarantined way back when (since we know it wasn't some gas that killed Dharma, but Ben and the native Others).

The Tempest is an electrical station that powers the Island. BTW... Jack and Juliet? So much hotter than Jack and Kate. Just saying.

And Kate randomly stumbles on the errant Daniel and Charlotte? Hm. Bullshit meter. I don't like pure coincidence on my Lost. There should've been some plot / scenes with Kate earlier. Episode probably ran long. Still, I love that Daniel and Charlotte are not the experienced liars we've grown accustomed to on this show... even Kate saw through that shit. Although how she didn't see that Charlotte was gonna bludgeon her... well, it's Kate. She gets a free pass (fail?)


Insert medical explanation of the death rate of Island pregnancies. And it's only on-Island conception. Why was birthing Aaron such an issue?

Why is it a problem that Juliet knew Goodwin? Hahah, the therapist thinks that Juliet is sleeping with Goodwin. WHAT? SHE WAS? OMG. The title "The Other Woman" has two (and possibly more) meanings? When was the last time they did that on this show? BTW, I think it would've been awesome if Michelle Forbes had played Harper. Meanwhile, apparently Ben has a hard-on for Juliet (if I've understood the implication).

Claire... makes a good point...? YES, I WANT TO KNOW WHOSE BOAT IT IS. Ben is still rereading Valis? Come on. Bwahaha, Ben asks if the rabbit he was given to eat had a number on it. Love. It. Meanwhile, Locke says they're running out of chickens... so both chicken and eggs? I'd starve. When's the next Dharma supply pallet gonna get airdropped in? Sigh. How much do we love Ben? How much? Especially when he's talking with Locke.

Dear show. Please stop cutting out of scenes / to commercial right after enticing vagaries like "not them, the one they work for". And while I do want Ben to show me whose boat it is... why can't he just tell me now? Damn you, show.

It seems like a poor choice to sleep with another woman's wife when you're basically trapped on an island. And to be the cheating husband. Especially on this Island. Just saying.

See, this is why the flashbacks can still work. Goodwin asks Juliet what Ben is going to do to him/them if he finds out they're continuing the affair and gets all jealous. Cut to the view of Oceanic 815 ripping apart in the sky from the Barracks. And Ben sends Goodwin to the tail section. Where he dies. Boo to the ya. It's just so cool that they can add these amazing relationship wrinkles in a year after they've told that initial story with a few added cutaway glances between Juliet, Goodwin, and Harper.

Yay, stumbling on bludgeoned Kate... more love triangles! More! And Juliet ran away. Sigh.

Yes, Ben. Let's have it. 38-15-28 locker combination. Why couldn't it be numbers (I mean, more than one of them)? The 2004 Red Sox are the people whose boat it is? OMG. They broke the curse and DOOMED US ALL. Or not, Ben taped over the game (BUT WHY NOT JUST USE A DIFFERENT TAPE?) Also, VHS is so 1990s.

I swear to god, this is the only show on TV where I'm ever intensely interested by what the characters are watching on TV.

So... it's Papa Widmore's boat? Wow. Good thing they killed Alan Dale's character off on Ugly Betty and freed him up for more Lost guest spots, isn't it!?

Ben makes a good point (doesn't he always). So... how does Charles Widmore know about the Island? Last week he got the journal of the first mate from the Black Rock. But he'd have to have found out about it earlier, but how? And how exactly does one exploit the power of the Island, though? Answers, I'm sure, before the series ends. And Locke asks who Ben's man on the boat is (hasn't he been watching the opening credits and asking where the fuck Harold Perrineau is?)


I have never been more displeased. EVER. It's like the universe wants to add to the cliffhanging, act-breaking suspense. Well, I'll find it somehow before the night is out...

It's not fair. IT'S NOT FAIR.

Down to 12

It was a mistake to bring Blake Lewis back to perform on the Idol stage. The male contestants this season are so much more talented than he is from a simple vocal perspective. Although he does differentiate himself / keep himself ultra-modern with the human-beatboxing (and I am a fan of "Break Anotha")... it's painfully, glaringly obvious how not up to par he would've been this season (and he made the finales...) Which is exciting!

Skipping ahead to the "good" stuff...

Top 6 Guys: Chikezie, David A, David C, David H, Jason, Michael
Top 6 Girls: Amanda, Brooke, Carly, Kristy, Ramiele, Syesha
See You on America's Got Talent?: Kady (what, she does great impressions... even as a robot)
Never To Be Heard From Again: Asia'h, Danny, Luke

Well, there goes the best chance in a while for Idol having an openly gay finalist (in Danny). Miss you, bitch!

So. Is this the most talented Top 12? I think it might be. There's actually some good variety in the voices (especially the guys, from soul to R&B to rock). I don't see Amanda going too far because she hasn't got the range of the other girls... but I've thrilled she's in the final stretch. Kristy has to step it up because at the moment she's Token Hot Girl, but we do know she can sing.

I'll reiterate my interest in a David A vs Carly finals. But I don't know if Carly's going to make it that far, because she hasn't gotten her "wow" yet with a perfect song choice. I really think David A has no competition but himself as far the guys go (not that this is going to go on gender lines any longer).

Pierre Pierre

Jason Reitman is absolutely the right choice to direct "Pierre Pierre". Jim Carrey as the lead... that I'm not sold on yet.

Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Fierce Bitches

So pleased with the outcome of Project Runway (though I wish the person who came in third had come in second because I believe that collection was better... but obviously I'm not qualified like those judges!)

Top 8 Women on Idol:

Asia'h: Forgettable.
Kady: I thought she was flat throughout much of the song.
Amanda: Girl brought it.
Carly: Agree with Simon, she's better than that song, she hasn't found the right song choice to get her "wow" moment yet.
Kristy: Liked the country twang, but I thought she was off pitch for a lot of the song, too.
Ramiele: Back to ballads. Good for her. This girl has great tone and control, and could've easily oversung that song, but didn't.
Brooke: Her embarrassing moment was hilarious. And, y'know? She does well with these stripped down performances. This "Love Is A Battlefield" rendition is really different. I repeat that this girl will have a great career on the indie/alternative circuit as a singer/songwriter.
Syesha: This, I think, was oversinging.

Paula remains off her meds. Or... what are they putting in her Coca-Cola?

Bottom 2: Kady and either Kristy or Asia'h.

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Top 8 Men

Luke: Eh. But yay, starting with a song I know (well).

David A: Not as good as last week. But when you do what the judges described as "one of the best performances ever on the show" you're probably not going to supersede that mark the next week.

Danny: Won me over with his "hn" to Ryan when Ryan said that he hadn't noticed the purple streaks in Danny's hair. The performance wasn't good, but bitch won me over.

David H: Most embarrassing moment is something about a booger during a photoshoot (how bourgeois). How about the media frenzy about him being employed as a stripper at a gay club? I know they're not kicking him off the show for that, but... yeah, I don't buy it. Performance was good at the beginning, it got pitchy towards the end.

Michael: Great song for him, he got to do some rocking out. I wonder if he's capable of standing remotely still on stage. He'll need to if he wants to go in a soul-ish direction.

David C: Best of the night so far. I would've never known that it was a Lionel Richie song is Randy hadn't said so (not a Lionel fan).

Jason: Yay, no guitar! He is an entirely different person on the stage than he is in his video packages (which suck and make him seem like a complete stoner). I like what he did with the song with the second part when he started syncopating a bit and going off melody. The low notes were out of his range, and there was no power note... so it was, indeed, mellow. The judges say it has a high degree of difficulty... what was it? Breaking into falsetto? Shrug. I guess I missed it. I mean... it was on pitch the whole time, it was controlled... but I didn't see anything brilliant about it besides the fact that the song itself is brilliant.

Chikezie: I agree with Simon.

Bottom 2: A surprisingly strong showing from the guys (probably because the guys have actually heard the bulk of the songs they had to choose from, so could make better choices). Luke is obviously gone. Danny might be gone, too, because his was the second weakest performance. I dunno, though. David H? Chikezie?

BTW, sorry I haven't been posting (there was the whole Sarah Connor Chronicles finale thing... which, a day later, I really, honestly can't remember what happened, but I know that I've gotten steadily colder towards the series). I've been writing, y'know, for the profession.

PS - Yay, Paula's off her meds!