Wednesday, July 23, 2008

Female American Teenagers

May 19, 2008: Gossip Girl finale. F12-17 rating/share: 4.2/15. W18-34: 2.6/8.
July 22, 2008: Secret Life of the American Teenager episode. F12-17 rating/share: 7.8/28. W18-34: 2.1/7.

Difference in viewers: 91K (advantage Secret Life).

Interesting, no?


Anonymous said...

Well to give CW some good news i think Secret Life will keep falling while GG will slightly go up this season

Anonymous said...

How can you really compare the two? The Gossip Girl episode aired during the regular TV season and went up against the season finale of 4 other TV shows just on the broadcast networks. Meanwhile, Secret Life is airing against summer competition when kids can stay up late, nothing else is on tv, and I think I read that it was the networks highest rated show ever.

Even comparing the two, the W18-34 would be the only relevant demo to Gossip Girl since CW isn't trying to go after the 11-17 bracket anyway.

Gossip Girl was a borderline dud for CW this last year. I do think it will show growth this year, though as it seems to have turned a corner and is pulling in the 'trendy' factor.

Side note: Travis, is there any chance you can give a ratings breakdown by age bracket for Big Brother? Is it bucking CBS's elderly trend at all and pulling in the under 18 group (vws the over 49 group) or is it just limited to the usuual CBS viewer?
