Friday, February 8, 2008

Tick Tick Boom

As we all await the contract language of the WGA deal (which at this point I suspect will not be ready for tomorrow's general membership meetings), I decided to take a look at episode two of Eli Stone and I have this to say about the series... it reminds me less and less of Ally McBeal and more and more of Wonderfalls. Although it doesn't hold a candle to either. I'll watch next week's Eli Stone episode, but that'll be the final one if it doesn't show me something I can't already see on far-superior series available on DVD.

Meanwhile, last night's Make Me a Supermodel underwhelmed me, given the possibilities of the Fashion Week setting. I really, really wish the series would at least give us confessional / interview hints at what happens between putting models up for elimination and the actual elimination several days later. There has to be something interesting going on, especially for the models who after up for the vote... do they train just as hard? Is there a lot of pressure on them (which might explain Katy's antisocial-ish behaviors, given she's been up for the vote three of a possible four times). It's just so unsatisfactory to see the models having one runway training session and one personal training session per week without knowing that they're practicing and on diet and exercise regimens. Anyway, no chance Ronnie goes home (fingers crossed, anyway). After the judges doomed Jay last week by saying that America made the wrong choice by sending Aryn home in his stead, he got eliminated, and this episode did a really good job of highlighting reasons why Katy should be sent home (the damning shot of her eating that leftover piece of cake). Although, with Frankie up for elimination, I have to say I would approve of dropping him (the pattern seems to be that when there are two males and a female up for the vote, a male goes home, and vice versa with two females and one male).

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